Cub in this city

miércoles, noviembre 01, 2006


A while ago I wrote these lines. These words had been brewing inside of me for a long time; this is what I was seeing around me, so much need for contact, especially in gay men. The thing is that many men in this city (and in many others, I think) decided to live a double life, on one side, wives and kids. On the other, furtive glances, brief encounters, nameless partners.


Everybody wants to touch
But they’re afraid to reach.
I know I’m a victim of the same disease.
Do you?

Sometimes I see these men and perceive the hopelessness stuck in heir faces. It saddens me and makes me mad. Mad because society made them take an option they were not meant to take… or wanted to take… or did not knew of other option. Mad because we all are demanded to adhere to this rules. Mad because this is arbitrary. And especially mad, because as them I had and have to fight constantly against this silent enemy to find love.


Blogger eugenio abraham said...

ok, lei las lineas muy rapido (luego las leere con calma) y lo unico que puedo decir -justo hoy y ahorita, es:

I need a hug!!

y no me averguenza decirlo. Vaya hay dias pesados, horribles.. y los dia que tengo liberacion de sistema (y manana tengo dos de estos ultimos, haga cuentas)

2:50 p.m., noviembre 01, 2006  

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