It’s a Fact; I’m thirty years old. The point about it is that I’ve just turn 30 last week, only last week I was enjoying my last days in my twenties... but now, I’m 30. You can say, come on, it’s just another birthday, just another day. But no, it means much more to me.
Seeing my life in retrospective, I’ve come to realize that, during a critical period in my life, I had to mature much faster than the rest, I had to deal with demands beyond my age and role. I had to rise to the occasion, and I did, but, as soon as I had the opportunity to free myself from those responsibilities, I did, and I’ve never looked back. Fatal error. You see, that’s the reason I’m feeling inadequate at this point and age. As a child, I was one of those classic Adult-Childs that never jumps, never screams, would never, ever be disrespectful. What a drag, he he. I remember going to the most fancy Chinese restaurant as a child and, while my cousin, just months younger than me, was causing a riot, I was sitting properly besides my mom and actually thinking that my cousin deserves to be punished for that kind of behavior. Silly me.
That was then, this is now. I’m still respectful to other, I know how to sit properly at a fancy restaurant, but I´m more relaxed. The bad thing is that I run as fast as I can from any serious responsibility, and that’s not good, specially when you reach an age such as 30, when is no longer appropriate to be careless and with no aim in life. I know that, and I’m working towards something for myself, but then again, that means having to grow up and I don’t want to. Call me Peter Pan (my previous therapist did) but I do not want to be an adult, I already was an adult as a child, I know what it feels like and is not good. On the other hand, I’m beginning to feel the gripping hand of brother time behind my back. Man, I even wanted to start paying for my funeral service to have it ready when it comes the time to use it. I want to pay all of my debts, to buy a house and all the things an adult of my age supposedly has to be planning even before he reaches this point.
So there you have it, on one hand I want to party hardy, and by that, I mean do just nothing and stare at the sky. On the other hand I want to start working on the rest of my life. That’s my crisis right now. Mr. AlMi, I need help… Again. (By the way, Mr. AlMi is my last therapist).
Now, looking around, I’ve noticed that most of the Dragons around me (because of the Chinese horoscope) are doing just as not that good as me. The range goes from lower back pains, unwed fathers to the worst-case scenario, a psychotic episode. What’s going on? Why oh why is turning 30 so difficult?
Going further in my research, I’ve noticed that it is not just us dragons, its just people around me. For instance, back in April I met Piercy, 42, and we hit it off right away. Everything seemed to go fine but all of a sudden he just stopped calling. I felt that I didn’t do anything wrong, on the contrary. But anyway. Around July he started calling again and from time to time we have chatted online. Last Wednesday he invited me to have dinner for my birthday, and we started talking about age, crisis and responsibilities. He told me that he came to realize that he needed time for himself, he started therapy and that everything was going well. What a surprise, he starts dating me and has to go back to the shrink.
Another of my friends, PZ, has had a very difficult year. In March he had to move to another city for his work, and left behind his boyfriend Tito. Well, PZ has come to realize some info on him that has put all of his life in a different perspective, and he is 38. Of course Tito (23) is not so happy with all of the sudden changes PZ is having, so he is in a crisis all of himself. Not to mention the fact that they’re miles and miles away.
Election year in Mexico. Enough said.
Finally, in different places and from different sources, I’ve been hearing, reading, that this year is of the reckoning, ascending or whatever these groups call the changing of level the “whole humanity” is experimenting. Oh! My god!!
Well. At the end, I don’t feel so alone and helpless about my crisis. It’s not just me, it’s the whole world, it seem it is on the verge of a meltdown. Or Ascension. Thank you.
Turning 30 is dificult because everybody around you makes it feel that way. You are someone else who, maybe without knowing it, supports the theory that 30 is the first mid-life crisis age for gay men. In a world where being as young as you can be is as precious as gold, the "old timers" are as "out" as they can be... or at least thats how you are made to feel. But what those young little pricks dont care to realize is that they will be an "old timer" some day. Unless you expect to live untill your 50's, 30 is not too bad. Just look at it this way, from now on is more probable that love will find you, instead of you finding love.
well, I just turn 30 some months ago, and even when I like to joke about that with you guys, for me is just that.. jokes. I didn’t realized some of you were taking this seriously because I don’t feel myself in a particular middle age crisis, I mean.. I had been in crisis almost all my life!! he he.
Sure, this had been a difficult year, there had been a lot of problems mostly because of ‘adult responsibilities’ (that in fact translate into financing problems), and sure.. my body is not what used to be (but my lower back pain problem comes from years ago it not come out suddenly because I turn 30), and sure.. I don’t go out to party as often as I used to do.. and maybe I don’t get drunk anymore …and maybe I can’t be awake for days either… but…but.. buuaaaa. You are right!! You are right!! I want my youth back!! Err.. what was my point? He he he!! The thing is, the problems I had been facing this year had been there before so I don’t think is just because I’m 30 now, is just facing those problems is what make you grown up (in spite on any age)
Turning 30 is difficult, I guess, because it forces you to examine your life so far. It’s one of those milestone occasions that can’t be ignored and probably few people in the world can say they are doing exactly what they want, exactly where they want to. Judging from our conversation a couple of weeks ago, I’m glad to hear that you’ve discovered something that makes you happy and that you see yourself doing for a long time (now if only you could find someone that makes you happy and that you see yourself doing for a long time, you’d be all set).
Related to your other entry, I can tell you there’s nothing quite so strange as keeping a journal. It’s comforting and sad when you can travel back in time and see what you were thinking back then, only to find out that you’re basically the same person only now you can handle things a lot better.
I’m glad your writing and I look forward to reading more.
You can influence to make a decision but please do not take ownership of an action that is not related to you it is a simple helped Piercy to realice that he need it take ownership of his life.....
True, it was Piercy's decision. I never said or never intended to take ownership of this. besides, It was intended as an ironic and comic license.
The whole feeling of the piece is that I was noticing many changes around me, but in no moment am I implying that this is because of me.
Regardless, I thank you for your visit and comment. Keep 'em coming.
Thirty is the new 20... you look as hot as ever
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